
Posts Tagged ‘2012’

News RPG Project

First of all: HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!

The RPG project was a little bit quiet the last three months, but that didn’t mean that we were not working on it. The team has grown to four people and consists now of a Game Designer, an American who lives in Beijing and works there at a Chinese Game Company, a Swedish composer, who is so god damn talented that it scares me, a 2D Pixel artist from Amsterdam with an incredible talent for character design and last but not least… me, the nerdy programmer and some how manager of this all. Together we will work hard in 2012 to realize our project.

The goal for the next year is to design all the necessary production tools to develop and further to create a 2 hour long game which introduces the player to the world and the main characters. After that we will try to find a publisher! So, if you know one, let me know 🙂

We have awesome ideas in our design paper right now and I can tell you, this RPG is about to become great. It will be an awful lot of work but we love what we do and that is what drives us forward.

So lets hope the world will remain after 21.12.2012 ^^



Happy Holidays to everybody,

I had a great year and I hope you too. I wish you all the best in your upcoming life, stay tuned and positive and get the best out of each minute you are breathing. The upcoming year is about to become pretty interesting. The world will eventually go down (or restart), the Illuminati will conquer the world (or they did already) and Michael Jackson will still be dead (which is a shame actually). I am still waiting for Zombies to be honest but ok, thats an other story.

My blog has now a constant visitors rate of 10 to 30 visitors each day and I am pretty proud of it. My RPG Engine draws a lot of attention and my tutorials too. That motivates me guys and I will keep on to blogging for at least another couple of months.. 🙂

I also have some quiet nice stuff going on in my career but i can’t tell you more than …. GAMES!!! hehe

Happy new year everybody, stay cool!
